Acute colonic ileus or Ogilvie's syndrome is an acute nonmechanical colonic obstruction with an unclear pathophysiology. This motility disorder generally occurs in elderly patients with serious ...
Here are some possible reasons why you feel so damn bloated and what you can do to prevent the puffiness. Again, this is ...
The patient's persistent symptoms prompted colonoscopic evaluation. The colonic mucosa was found to be diffusely erythematous and friable, with multiple scattered erosions present from the anal ...
Colonic irrigation cleanses the colon and helps remove harmful toxins from the body. The procedure is performed at such facilities as spas. This typically involves a practitioner administering an ...
A typical colon cleanse involves flushing the colon with fluids to remove waste and is usually carried out by a colonic hygienist. There are also at-home colon irrigation products you can try if ...
In a recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine, a European team of researchers quantitatively characterized the ...
Colonic irrigation is a therapy primarily designed to cleanse and promote health in the large bowel. Practitioners of colonic irrigation believe that the treatment can flush out impacted faeces ...
To the Editor: The article, "Metastasis to the Liver from a Colonic Polyp," by Leon H. Manheimer in the January 21 issue of the Journal leaves unanswered his opening sentence. "The central issue ...
Jordan’s colonic date is fast approaching, and it looks like his G&D levels will be critically low on tour because of it! A ...
A team of researchers at the University of Missouri is uncovering how the juice from red cabbage, long used in traditional ...