A fringe theory called "panspermia" suggests that lifeforms can spread to new planets by hitching rides on meteors. New ...
Seen through the decolonization lens, Ukraine closely resembles the colonies that rebelled against European political ...
Elon Musk, the media billionaire, is optimistic about Mars. Colonization is possible. In fact, he has already given a date ...
The James Webb Space Telescope's possible detection of biological chemicals on the exoplanet K2-18b may just have been ...
Two of the most common mixers are confusingly similar: tonic water and club soda. They're both clear and carbonated, so it's ...
The whole cacophonous curiosity should last through June, scientists say. After the insects mate, and the females lay eggs in ...
Inside the encampments and crackdowns that shook American politics. A report by the student journalists of the Columbia Daily ...
High levels of E. coli were found in uncooked meats and raw dog food sold in U.K. grocery stores, according to research ...
These bacteria are extensively resistant to antibiotics, resisting even last-line drugs, and can silently colonize animals ...
Overall in Alaska, there are 36 species of willow. As a vital part of the landscape, willows colonize and stabilize bare soil ...
Unlike other Candida species, C. auris does not colonize the gastrointestinal tract or mucosal surfaces. Rather, C. auris has ...