a={1 1 1, 7 7 7}; b={0 0 0, 8 8 8}; c=a//b; For character matrices, the element size of the result matrix is the larger of the element sizes of the two operands.
You will use it to join two or more strings into a single string. The function takes strings as inputs and concatenates them ...
Here's the syntax for the TEXTJOIN function: Let's break down each parameter of the function: The TEXTJOIN function ...
If the BASE= data set contains a variable that is not in the DATA= data set, the APPEND statement concatenates the data sets, but the observations from the DATA= data set have a missing value for the ...
For example: the first line of [Phillip’s] AND table is #define AND_00 0. If the preprocessor concatenates strings that equal “AND_00” they will then be converted to 0. This is the ...
end -- This function concatenates all data received over 150 milliseconds into the variable datac. The scanner sends the data in multiple parts to the ESP8266, which needs to be assembled into a ...
Enter an optional name for your location in cell C2. In cell D2, provide your optional pop-up text, or enter a formula that concatenates the values from several columns along with HTML tags to add ...
and then smoothly concatenates individual words that have been recorded by motion capture. This is a video demonstrating how this technology is used to generate sign-language CG animation based on ...
That function calls the "merge_config_by_country" function and concatenates the argument of the specified form "country" into a command string. This string is then executed by the "popen" function.