The Legacy Tree has withstood windstorms, endured drought, dodged fires and even escaped the lumber mill, which leveled the ...
According to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, “true morel” species -- those that are edible -- include the white ...
Gov. Ned Lamont was hit with a citation for cutting down trees and bushes in protected wetland areas behind his $7.5 million ...
We can learn from that. Then the other day, we were in an area of cypress trees. These conifers have been around for hundreds ...
Here we also know the yellow-rumped warblers as myrtle warblers. East of the Rockies, Audubon’s warbler was formerly a ...
A rare double-emergence of periodical cicadas is getting underway in the eastern United States, and Illinois is right at the ...
If there were a 12-step program for gardeners who buy too many plants, most of us would be in therapy from April through ...
Conifers bring structure and year-round interest to a garden. Cuttings can be taken from late summer to the end of autumn, but it's a slow process and can take almost a year for shoots to make roots.
Climate change is scrambling the seasons , wreaking havoc on trees. Some temperate and high-altitude regions will grow more ...
Well, for starters, because bristlecones live where practically nothing else can, little competition exists for water and nutrients. Bristlecone pines can liberally spread their roots and expand ...
If I asked you to describe the Guadalupe River in Kerr County, chances are your response would include something about ...
When a great horned owl takes up residence in your backyard, it’s hard not to get attached. At least, that’s been the ...