Some extensions of the Standard Model exhibit similar discrete symmetry breaking, wherein the scalar field representing the ...
Physicists call the dark energy that drives the universe “the cosmological constant.” Now the largest map of the cosmos to ...
The telescope's studies could help end a long-standing disagreement over the rate of cosmic expansion. But scientists say ...
My colleagues call me a supervillain for trying to destroy the cosmos, but this kind of imaginative thinking isn't so far ...
"The discovery of evolving dark energy would be as revolutionary as the discovery of the accelerated expansion of the ...
Could JWST solve cosmology’s big mystery? Physicists debate Universe-expansion data “That’s really a hint that something ...
Astrophysicist and Cosmologist Dr Brad Tucker discusses next week's Boeing spaceship launch. After years of delays, Boeing is ...
A version of this article appears in the October 30, 1926 issue of Science News. Love our Health & Medicine stories? Our coverage would not be possible without the generous support of subscribers ...
US astrophysicist whose discovery of the cosmic microwave radiation resulting from the big bang brought him the Nobel prize ...
Stephen Hawking was an English theoretical physicist and cosmologist. He is most known for his work on singularities and black holes. Hawking was diagnosed with ALS at 21 years old. After losing ...
Astrophysicist and cosmologist Dr Brad Tucker explains the complexities of launching rockets out of South Australia.
Many Telegraph readers greeted the awful news of CJ Sansom’s death yesterday by vowing to reread all of his books in tribute.