Severe thunderstorms don't always cause damage due to tornadoes. Most of the time, destruction from thunderstorms comes from ...
What is even more rare than a tornado doubling back, however, is an anticyclonic tornado. Only 1 per cent of tornadoes that ...
“Counterclockwise rotation” refers to a variant in which the transition is “early,” occurring at or before lead V 3, whereas “clockwise rotation” is a variant in which the transition ...
A powerful anticyclonic tornado uprooted trees and damaged some buildings on the night of April 30, and a second unusual ...
An ultra-rare backward-spinning tornado was spawned Tuesday (April 30) from a powerful supercell thunderstorm that formed ...
AS summer nears, taking care of spring cleaning around your property doesn’t have to do with decluttering or organizing. When ...
Cats are masters of contortion — and the laws of physics — which helps them stick the landing more times than not.
The history of the proverb "necessity is the mother of invention" can be traced back to Plato and Aesop's Fables', but in ...
So, it's important to some time now to get it back in shape before summer officially arrives. To not only make your home bright and beautiful, but to ensure it will actually stay cool ...
Bacteria existed for millennia before humans and have been infecting us from the beginning. Although we can treat infections ...
AC bills can do a number on your finances -- but staying savvy with your air conditioner can help you stay cool without breaking the bank. Here's how to prep for summer heat waves.