I have become my father. Specifically, I find myself talking about how things were when I was growing up. For instance, when ...
Every time a bird craps on my car, I eat a plate of wings on the front porch to show them what I’m capable of. Providing ...
Lee Gundersheimer performs in "In Remembrance" at Theatre Odyssey's Ten-Minute Play Festival in 2023.
I share the view that we have lost much in terms of collegiality and camaraderie. I will not, however, allow this to drive me ...
I have become my father. Specifically, I find myself talking about how things were when I was growing up. For instance, when ...
I have become my father. Specifically, I find myself talking about how things were when I was growing up. For instance, when ...
It is surprising it took this long for Nintendo to come knocking at G-Mod’s door, but it is still somewhat infuriating to see ...
Mark this month, April of 2024, as a special month in Tennessee, and Southern, history. You may not yet recognize the significance of this month, but take it ...
From Evil Does Not Exist to A Normal Family, the 38th international Filmfest DC is trying on some more complicated films.
I don’t expect a return to a time when opposing counsel frequently sat together for coffee, or for lunch, for an after-court cocktail, or even for an occasional dinner together. There was a time ...