Dr. Chris Isiguzo, has said told journalists that they have a critical role to play in raising awareness, fostering public ...
October’s commitment by the countries home to our major rainforests — as well as prior agreements from COP, the US and the EU — show serious intent.
Climate change and human activities like deforestation are causing more fires in central and west Africa's wet, tropical forests, according to the first-ever comprehensive survey there. The fires have ...
As human populations grow, habitat loss threatens many creatures. Mapping wildlife habitat using satellites is a rapidly ...
The EU’s new ecocide law follows this definition closely. Member states have two years to adopt it into their national ...
The Cool Down reached out to Folgers for comment about the plastic wrap, and the company did not dispute the wrapper must be ...
Smallholders like the late Osvalinda Pereira face a campaign of deadly threats and harassment from big companies that produce ...
A consortium of eight U.S. wood-related trade groups signed a letter requesting the European Commission to push back the ...
Environmental reporting has mostly focused on consequences of extraction of both marine and land natural resources including deforestation, as well as accountability for and possible solutions to ...
Cattle ranches have ruled the Amazon for decades. Now, new companies are selling something else: the ability of trees to lock ...
The increases are primarily due to increasingly hot, dry conditions and humans' impact on the forests, including ...
While most of the world still runs on dirty fossil fuels, Costa Rica has generated nearly all of its electricity from ...