DIA official wrote in a letter to colleagues last month of the "incredible shame and guilt" he felt over the conflict, but ...
Most of those who quit the US military have publicly deplored Washington’s role at the time, rather than waiting months to ...
A former U.S. military intelligence official released a letter on Monday that explained to his colleagues at the Defense ...
The leader of the Brazilian Amazon's Huni Kui people remains hopeful that a planned United Nations treaty will advance the ...
In a statement, Pax Christi International deplored that “she was targeted and killed by an Israeli sniper” while reporting on ...
After moving abroad, I found my English slowly eroding. It turns out our first languages aren’t as embedded as we think.
Kosovo’s prime minister has deplored the fact that some Western powers reportedly have set another condition ahead of ...
Tracing the origin of Mother’s Day in this country involves making choices. You can start with English colonists who brought ...
As such, while HB 183 generated an enormous amount of concern and divisive debate statewide, it appears the only actual ...
It deplored the fact no police officer is known to have been held accountable for the “totally unjustified use of force.” The ...
WOODSTOCK, Virginia, May 10 (Reuters) - The education board for a rural Virginia county voted early on Friday to restore the ...