"The JET experiment marks a significant milestone for fusion research." Scientists set record in fusion energy generation ...
This isotope of hydrogen is called deuterium, and heavy water's more scientific name is deuterium oxide, abbreviated as D 2 0. Nuclear power plants harness the energy of countless atoms of uranium ...
Another hurdle to achieving economically viable nuclear fusion is the necessity to reach better energy confinement than the ...
The breakthrough would enable denser and better-confined plasma, which is crucial to making fusion energy on a commercial ...
A team of physicists from several institutions across the U.S. working with a colleague from China, at the DIII-D National ...
Concert Pharmaceuticals is developing AVP-786, a deuterated analogue of dextromethorphan, for agitation in Alzheimer’s ...
Two important barriers to a stable, powerful fusion reaction have been leapt by an experiment in a small tokamak reactor, but ...
JET (Joint European Torus) will be testing the deuterium-tritium fuel mixture that will be powering the ITER (the research project whose name began as an acronym for International Thermonuclear ...
I have to admit that I was totally entertained by the article about LLNL physicist Tammy Ma in last week’s Independent. The hype in that article was truly off the ...
Why are Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, among others, so bullish on developing nuclear fusion as a power source? -- Mark P., ...
Plans call for first-generation fusion reactors to use a mixture of deuterium and tritium — heavy types of hydrogen. In theory, with just a few grams of these reactants, it is possible to produce a ...
Two of the key barriers to producing power from nuclear fusion have been overcome, in what scientists say is a major advance ...