MIAMI - The gift of sight is something easily taken for granted. Not so at the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Vision ...
Is anger linked to heart attacks? New research finds that a bout of anger impairs blood vessel function which can raise the ...
The pupils of our eyes get larger when we are focusing on a task–and the size may give clues about our working memory ...
Short bursts of anger may temporarily damage the ability of blood vessels to properly dilate, a function believed to be ...
A new study from the Journal of the American Heart Association reveals that those who suffer from anger management may have ...
Feeling angry constricts blood vessels in unhealthy ways and could raise a person's long-term odds for heart disease, new ...
Individuals that experience a surge of anger could have an increase in their risk for a heart attack. According to new ...
New research suggests that regularly getting angry may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Here’s why.
Does it ever feel as if your anger courses through your veins? Well, that isn't too far off, according to new research.
Anger might just be a deadly sin after all. A new study found that people who frequently get mad may have an increased risk ...
Feeling angry constricts blood vessels in unhealthy ways and could raise a person's long-term odds for heart disease, new ...
Researchers have previously found louder experiences seem to last longer, while focusing on the clock also makes time dilate, or drag. Now researchers have discovered the more memorable an image ...