When the microwave oven started to gain popularity in the 60s and 70s, supporters and critics alike predicted that it would usher in the end of cooking as we knew it. Obviously that never quite ...
Double trouble: physicists in the US have created a bilayer of ultracold magnetic atoms separated by just 50 nm. (Courtesy: ...
It was this so-called "dipolar radial velocity map" on the outer layer of Betelgeuse that scientists interpreted as rapid ...
Dipolar many-body systems provide a promising platform to study quantum phases and exotic phenomena such as dipolar liquids, dipolar solids and superfluids. This Review discusses dipolar many-body ...
Researchers in the US and Canada have detected an effect known as quantum Barkhausen noise for the first time. The effect, ...
The work was performed by the Department of Quantum Electronics and Radio Spectroscopy. Lithium gadolinium tetrafluoride, which is a transparent plate 4 by 4 mm in size and 0.1 mm in thickness, was ...
Proximity is key for many quantum phenomena, as interactions between atoms are stronger when the particles are close. In many ...
The PhC's band topology stems from the quantized edge dipolar polarization, marked by a 2D Zak phase. The PhC structure ...
Zeolites are widely used in many industries, yet their intrinsic catalytic nature is not completely understood, due to the complexity of the hydroxyl-aluminum moieties. Atomic-scale analysis of ...
Kumar, Ramavarmaraja Kishor Muruganandam, Paulsamy Tomio, Lauro and Gammal, Arnaldo 2017. Miscibility in coupled dipolar and non-dipolar Bose–Einstein condensates ...
We have determined the kinetics of enantiomerization of several chiral organolithium compounds. We are using dipolar cycloaddition chemistry to access a variety of alkaloid structures. Intramolecular ...