Kennedy has appealed to disaffected Democrats and Republicans looking for an alternative to the pending rematch of the 2020 election. Kennedy has talked up his support for the Libertarian Party, ...
Voters across the country have learned how to tune out the chaotic mess that is American politics in 2024, as much for their ...
While trying to battle Marine Le Pen on the right, Macron's list also risks losing disaffected voters on the left flank. A senior official for the Renaissance party in January shared with POLITICO ...
When the jury acquitted the officers -- as everyone who actually watched the trial thought it should -- the resulting riots left 63 people dead, thousands injured and did a billion dollars in damage.
The group is in the midst of a $50 million ad campaign featuring homemade testimonial videos of disaffected Trump voters. Moore says Trump acts more like an aspiring dictator than a public servant.
Generally, the tale goes something like this: in 1874, a ragtag gang of disaffected artists reject the Paris Salon by staging an alternative exhibition, critics lambast the art, and the ...
Disaffected Emilio (combative Anthony Welsh) sees himself as the ringleader. He believes he has a perspective his erstwhile friends don't. But the longer the pre-reunion chat continues on the ...
Winter insists farcical spot-kicks for innocuous handballs are the biggest bugbear for disaffected fans. He said: “Penalties are being given for things that are NEVER penalties in a million years.
Last week Joseph Nye, the well-known China scholar, wrote on the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s website about how war over Taiwan might be averted. He noted that years ago he was on a team ...
Seven months before Election Day, President Biden still faces widespread concerns about his age. Hundreds of thousands of voters have lodged protest votes against him in Democratic primaries.
ISIS-K, although based in Afghanistan, has recruited disaffected Muslims in China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.