Wynonna Judd's daughter's "lewd conduct" on an Alabama highway saw her charge of soliciting prostitution dropped by judge.
An illegal immigrant allegedly broke into a mobile home and sexually assaulted 2 girls. He has been arrested and put on an ...
A Volusia County sheriff's deputy was forced to serve an unpaid, eight-hour suspension in January after unleashing a tirade ...
A corrections counselor at Pelican Bay State Prison in Crescent City is suing the California Department of Corrections and ...
Eva Edl turned 10 years old in a World War II-era death camp. She believes she may die in a United States prison. Charged by ...
Mayor Eric Adams is trying to oust the interim chairwoman of the civilian oversight board tasked with investigating ...
A former Sacramento Sheriff’s Office employee has sued the office alleging ongoing gender harassment from a sergeant who ...
The Rhome city council voted unanimously last week to censure Mayor Patricia Mitchell after investigating an employee’s ...
ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – A single bullet killed a young mother and the baby ...
A panel of attorneys have released their final report on a complaint against the Douglas County district attorney, and ...
A doctor who has worked for the NHS for 24 years said he was told he was no longer needed by text message. Dr John Cosgrove said he was contacted by Primary Care 24 (PC24) 15 minutes before the end of ...
The next time a coastal storm rolls through the region, Seaside Park officials will have an extra tool that can be used to ...