It is true that humans domesticated pigeons for centuries, and feral pigeons do largely stay in urban environments because we ...
Humans originally domesticated pigeons to be companions and prized possessions, and now pigeons cannot survive without humans ...
African Wildcats, known as Felis silvestris lybica, are believed to be the direct ancestor of domesticated cats today.
Using genomics, scientists report that grapevines were first domesticated simultaneously in two separate geographic regions shortly after the glaciers retreated around 11,000 years ago.
What nature started, we humans have tinkered with for millennia. The dog, Canis lupus familiaris, was the first animal, and the only large carnivore, to be domesticated. Yet its origins remained a ...
Human and animal health are closely linked, with many diseases shared between them. As our world becomes more developed and ...
The shortlist for The Comedy Pet Photo Awards is now live, and the winner will be announced on June 6. Here are the funniest ...
If you puncture the ovary of a wasp called Microplitis demolitor, viruses squirt out in vast quantities, shimmering like ...
Croatia is well known as a dog-loving country, but just how long have there been domesticated dogs in Croatia?
Studies conducted in the Patagonia region of Argentina provethat the local population once domesticated foxes, Azernews ...
A team of international researchers, led by Associate Professor Masaki Eda of the Hokkaido University Museum, have discovered that the oldest type of poultry ever domesticated may have been geese. The ...