A California driver learned their lesson when police pulled them over in the carpool lane, only to find that their passenger ...
There's never a shortage of creativity when it comes to people trying to skirt carpool lane rules. Since you aren't allowed ...
One California driver had to learn the hard way that carpool lanes are for people, not plastic. On Wednesday, April 24, the ...
Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus this fall and now a new dummy unit has appeared online, and it ...
Creepy dolls have apparently been known to move rocking chairs on their own and cause nausea for those who so much as look at ...
That quote comes from prominent horse owner Craig Henderson. Although Henderson had been first exposed to horse racing by his ...
New iPhone 16 dummy units have shown off some rumored changes including the bigger Pro models and a camera redesign.
Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro this September and newly leaked dummy units show us exactly ...
Leaders of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party said on Friday that people rejected ‘dummy’ upazila parishad ...
Using a dummy to drive in the carpool lane is an old trick that law enforcement is well aware of, but that didn’t stop a ...
If you want to know what the iPhone 16 series is probably going to look like, these leaked dummy units give away the goods.