Some researchers have suggested that hyperechogenicity of the renal cortex (i.e. renal cortex echogenicity greater than or equal to liver echogenicity) indicates renal disease, but Wiersma et al.
Transverse image of the liver shows a heterogeneous echotexture with diffusely increased echogenicity. This patient proved to have diffuse metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Ultrasound of the liver ...
However, a new study sheds light on a promising alternative treatment: ethanol ablation. While this method shows considerable ...
Ultrasound pelvis to look for the size and echogenicity of the prostate. Avoid eating deep-fried foods which have high ...
The image should include fetal bowel, liver and iliac bone for comparison. Bowel is considered echogenic if the echogenicity of the bowel is more or equal to that of adjacent iliac bone.
The use of ultrasound has been advocated to visualise tears, by virtue of uneven echogenicity and muscle thinning compared with the opposite side. Computed tomography scanning can also be used to show ...