There is good reason to believe that fish, amphibians, molluscs and insects are sentient, according to a new declaration ...
The theory behind it is acoustic location, which is a specialized type echolocation. The most common example of echolocation is in Bats, who emit ultrasonic noise and listen for its return (echo ...
Dolphins and whales use sound to communicate, navigate and hunt. New research suggests that the collections of fatty tissue ...
Toothed whales include numerous dolphin species as well as orcas, sperm whales, belugas, and narwhals. Echolocation produced ...
Contrary to popular belief, bats aren't entirely blind. Although they do rely heavily on echolocation to get a better idea of ...
Africa is home to more than 20% of the world's bat population. There are more than 200 species to be found on the continent.
The Spatial Audio technology turns in-game obstacles into audio cues - emulating echolocation so players can survey the game ...
The cutting-edge development uses advanced AI and Spatial Audio technology to turn in-game obstacles into sounds - like ...
Table 1: Some examples of different sensory modalities. For each modality, some examples of sensory systems that use that modality are provided. Akesson, S. & Backman, J. Orientation in pied ...
Genetic analysis finds evidence suggesting that acoustic fat bodies in the heads of toothed whales were once the muscles and bone marrow of the jaw.
‘Chewing muscles were no longer needed.' By Laura Baisas | Published Apr 9, 2024 1:02 PM EDT Belugas and other toothed whales use echolocation to see and sense the world around them. Deposit ...