A dramatic operation to save the lives of more than 100 pilot whales ended in partial success on Thursday after wildlife ...
In some respects, Eric D. Johnson’s list of influences may seem a bit…unusual. He can (and gladly will) enthuse at length ...
Scientists at Hokkaido University determined DNA sequences of genes which were expressed in acoustic fat bodies—collections of fat around the head that toothed whales use for echolocation.
One adaptation was the partial loss of their sense of smell and taste, along with the gain of echolocation to enable them to navigate in the underwater environment. The researchers found that ...
Sperm whales, found in most of the world’s oceans, are incredible giants with the most enormous noses and the biggest brains ...
Male sperm whales never become part of a pod again. They feed and fatten up in the north. They apparently live alone. Much ...
‘Chewing muscles were no longer needed.' By Laura Baisas | Published Apr 9, 2024 1:02 PM EDT Belugas and other toothed whales use echolocation to see and sense the world around them. Deposit ...
Some new genetic analysis suggests that the collections of fatty tissues that enable echolocation in toothed whales may have evolved from their skull muscles and bone marrow,changing how these ...
Different sizes, similar DNA Although these two species share the same environment, they have independently developed similar ...
There is good reason to believe fish, amphibians, molluscs and insects are sentient, according to a new declaration signed by ...
Watch how a beluga whale plays fetch with a rugby ball. Let's dive into their world and discover what makes them so unigue.