More than 50 years after Bob Paine’s experiment with starfish, hundreds of species have been pronounced “keystones” in their ...
Beyond the damage incurred by human beings that pervades to this day, the Chernobyl disaster wreaked havoc across the ...
In an age of data abundance, I urge myself and other ecologists not to lose touch with the joy of the field. This sense of connection is personal. As I’m seeing techniques change, I’m also ...
A new algorithm is making it easier for ecologists and conservationists to find bat roost locations—reducing search areas by ...
Vector control specialists hope this will reduce the mosquito population without deploying pesticides and chemicals.
Ecologists are blazing trails in a new field they’ve dubbed zoogeochemistry, which explores how animals influence nutrient ...
Her fortnightly column will reflect on how emerging tech and science are reshaping society in Silicon Valley and beyond. Find ...
NPR's Ayesha Rascoe speaks with area ecologist Kate Wollen about Forestry England's efforts to save dormice. And yes, the rodents are terrifically cute.
The Rice’s Whale is now considered to be critically endangered, with a population in the Gulf of Mexico likely less than 100 ...
An international team of researchers, led by Professor Jin WU from the School of Biological Sciences at The University of ...
An expanse of marsh bordering the Barnegat Bay at Good Luck Point has been in decline, but local ecologists are hoping to ...
The sinking of the São Paulo came around at the same time as an offer from the Saudi group Sela who was willing to pay US$ 5.9 million for the structure. Too late. Brazil finally sank in a ...