Throughout Pope Francis' pontificate, he has spoken about the "ecumenism of martyrs" or the "ecumenism of blood" -- a ...
He pointed out that “ecumenism is not something optional” and said it aims “to develop a common and consistent witness that promotes true justice and support for the weakest through responses that are ...
"The way ahead is not clear. Our responsibility is to foster a lived ecumenism, faith to shape our lives as churches." Bolen added, "We can find forms of expressing our progress towards unity so ...
In the final pages of Chapter V of Afro-Brazilian Religions Roger Bastide sees, at a given moment in the socio-religious evolution of Brazil, a process of social disorganization which in its extent ...
In July 1977 a group of Evangelical Anglicans addressed an Open Letter to the bishops of the Anglican communion. The Letter has recently been published together with a lengthy commentary, somewhat in ...
When Presbyterian Leader Eugene CarsonBlake first proposed the idea from the pulpit of San Francisco’sEpiscopal Grace Cathedral in 1960, it electrified U.S. Christianity: asa step toward ...
A priest for peace and ecumenism during Hitler's time Fr. Max Josef Metzger, a German diocesan priest and founder of the Secular Institute Societas Christi Regis, was killed on April 17, 1944, in Nazi ...
The doctrine of Taoism is also called Tao, but these are purely speculative and negative concepts (not to be, not to act as a basic concept); it contributes not little to the doctrine of this religion ...
Stabat Mater is the title of a thirteenth-century Latin hymn and it means "the Mother was standing." In Latin, the hymn consists of twenty couplets which describe the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin at ...