A group of NPR employees signed a letter addressed to NPR leadership, calling on leaders to publicly address Uri Berliner's ...
The controversial new CEO of NPR has only been on the job since March 25, but is already at the center of a firestorm.
John Mulaney, host of the streamer’s live comedy experiment, is considered a ‘genius’ by comics. Yet it’s a miracle that he’s still standing ...
NPR’s handling of Berliner’s criticism is a textbook case of what not to do in such a situation. Management is only proving ...
The public-radio network is being targeted by conservative activists over the essay, which many staffers say is misleading ...
Sometimes, the validity of a motion can be best determined by its omissions and elisions. In this case, Trump’s lawyers devote nearly all of their 35-page motion to the fine details of Ms ...
Superficially, the report does criticize Azerbaijan, but its omissions and elisions are the equivalent of referring to serial killer Ted Bundy only a man who perpetrated violence against women. The ...
The four-parter chronicles the rock star's recent vocal cord surgery and subsequent recovery, while also looking back at his ...
Bigoted attacks from the right became a new normal. It’s been a sorry spectacle, says Guardian columnist Zoe Williams ...
As two earlier novels - "Martin and John'' (1992) and "The Law of Enclosures'' (1996) - have powerfully demonstrated, Peck is a fiercely gifted modernist who uses the gaps, silences and elisions in ...
If anything, the closest we get to the “real” Jon might be what exists in elisions like those. You can look for him in the negative space between the guy who humbly insists he’s “just the ...