AI for Speech Writing and Enhancement One of the most significant ways AI is utilized in public speaking is through aiding in ...
Google is testing a new “Speaking practice” feature in Search that helps users improve their conversational English skills.
Interactions with voice technology, such as Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, and Google Assistant, can make life easier by ...
The English-Speaking Union Sandhills Branch welcomed guest speaker Kris Millgate, CEO of Tight Line Media, on Wednesday, ...
In just a few months, the English as a Second Language program at IDEA River Bluff in Arlington has already impacted the ...
Occasionally, when speaking English, I get stuck as my mind scrabbles along the edges of my memory, insisting that only a particular Spanish word will communicate exactly what I’m trying to ...
Our newsletter is here to answer your questions - this time we're looking at the best books to read on Italy and the parts of the country with the greatest numbers of English speakers. Here at The ...
Tamez said 325 students use ESL services in some form in the district. 12 out of the 325 students in this current school year speak no English. “We’ve been trying to find a way to really identify how ...
Australians from non-English speaking backgrounds are retiring with less superannuation on average than other Australians.
She was called to a hospital around 5 a.m. to interpret the exchange between a doctor and a man who didn't speak English. The doctor needed to communicate that it was time for the man's wife to be ...
Google is adding a new "Speaking practice" tool to Search that aims to help English learners practice the language.
The most ardent competition at this summer’s Olympics may not be an athletic one but a linguistic one. A war of words about the anglicisms littering the Games’ promotion has broken out between French ...