The fact that they filled them with the greatest conglomeration of ensilage ever dumped out did not prevent them from doing it with all the manner of a cub reporter rushing in with a scoop.
There had been great herds of them, evidently fattened on the coarse vegetables whose remains could be found as a sort of poisonous ensilage at the bottom of huge stone bins older than Rome.
Is “moraine” or “diester” in your vocabulary? How about “ensilage” or “tacnode” or “procaine?” Those who answer yes might do well in the club where, earlier this month ...
Red clover silage leys respond well in a multicut system, with best results from mowing every five weeks. Cutting at the red ...
She liked the harvest season where she could be seen hauling beets, beans, corn, hay and ensilage. When the family left the farm, she accepted a position with Farmers State Bank in the bookkeeping ...
We also buy maize stocks from other farmers,” says Njogu. They ensilage the maize when it is at the milking stage, where they harvest it, chop it using a chuff cutter and spread it on the ...
17g Bone Broth Protein – Highly concentrated beef protein sourced from animals raised in Sweden without hormones, and fed a diet entirely free of GMO grains, grasses, hay, and/or ensilage.