Why have bacteria never evolved complex multicellularity? A new hypothesis suggests that it could come down to how ...
A parasite that not only feeds off its host, but also makes the host change its own metabolism and thus biology: NIOZ ...
Wan Ruixue is a researcher and a supervisor of Ph.D. students with the School of Life Sciences at Westlake University, in ...
Abundant, diverse bacterial communities have been found deep beneath the almost uninhabitable surface of the Atacama Desert ...
A parasite that not only feeds of its host, but also makes the host change its own metabolism and thus biology. Microbiologists have shown this for the very first time in a specific group of parasitic ...
“Very rare” could actually be considered an understatement. The first time this happened – as far as we know – it gave rise ...
A recent Cell journal review explores key immunological assumptions to enhance our understanding of vaccine design, ...
It's called a Euglenid – and it's a weird fusion of a bunch of different living things. Euglenids are a group of unicellular eukaryotes that gain energy through both photosynthesis, like a plant, and ...
The effects of quantum mechanics—the laws of physics that apply at exceedingly small scales—are extremely sensitive to ...
Large quantum optical networks of tryptophan in protein architectures – the kinds found in mammalian brains, but also in all eukaryotes and even in some bacteria – influence their collective response ...
Biogenic methane comes from microbial action. The microbes that produce methane are archaea — single-celled microorganisms ...
An incredibly rare event that gave rise to the biological factories that first made complex life possible has been detected ...