Shane Pruitt, director of the SBC's Next Gen Evangelism arm, called the megastar's lyrics “anti-Christian” and said she was injecting herself into gospel music.
Evangelism isn’t a complex algorithm that needs prescribed circumstances or just the right words said just the right way at ...
In this issue, we've examined the role of apologetics, martyrdoms, and everyday evangelism. Are there other, often overlooked, reasons the early church grew in this environment? Two lesser-known ...
During this time, evangelism was conducted mainly in homes, in the context of worship and Christian education. Itinerant evangelists were rarely found in the early centuries. In Roman society ...
We already completed the first 30 days. Members are starting to pray about the Great Commission. It is spilling over. People ...
The National Day of Prayer was celebrated in downtown Shreveport. The city-wide evangelism movement organized the event, ...
Some lawmakers voted against a House bill that instructs the Education Department to consider a recognized definition of ...
Christ Church pastor Doug Wilson (Daily News, April 20) chides me (Daily News, April 18) for misstating the publication date ...
Given this brief history of evangelism, where can we see the whole practice of advocacy going next? From his work at DataStax, a company known for its cloud computing DataBase-as-a-Service (DBaaS ...
One of the ways that small businesses can use evangelism marketing is to become evangelists about their products themselves. In-house staffers, managers and sales people can carry their enthusiasm ...
Holding on to programs and ministries for the sake of nostalgia and tradition often distracts churches from other ministry ...
Ethereum gaming chain Ronin currently curates the games on its network. But it’s starting to eye up a permissionless future.