Protein imbalances that increase brain cell excitability may explain why individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) who also ...
The Synapse Diversity and Specificity Regulation Research Team at DGIST has profiled the molecular code that constitutes ...
This uncommon process is more frequently observed in neurodegenerative diseases and could offer insights into disease ...
Post-mitotic neurons in the brain that re-enter the cell cycle quickly succumb to senescence, and this re-entry is more ...
This means the excitatory nerve cells in your brain are suppressed, so you fall asleep. But for most people, it doesn't last long. As your body metabolizes the alcohol, the excitatory nerves rebound.
Researchers find that in a specific channel of one-way signaling from the PFC to the amygdala, stress stimulates release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate and shifts the balance of ...
The scientists observe that increased inhibitory signals cause this transition. While excitatory and inhibitory signals shape the early developing brain, the inhibitory signals appear later than ...
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers found that ketamine produces a variety of different response ...
Johnson & Johnson and Addex Therapeutics’ epilepsy hopeful ADX71149 did not meet its primary endpoint of time to reach ...
Some companies claimed that engaging in "brain games" can improve cognition or stave off cognitive decline. What's the ...
Ad Hoc Announcement Pursuant to Art. 53 LRGeneva, Switzerland, April 29, 2024 - Addex Therapeutics (SIX and Nasdaq: ADXN), a clinical-stage ...