The word, and the Catholic Church’swish to assist Thomism’s prior claim to it, had brought 13th CenturyExistentialist Aquinas and 20th Century Existentialist Jean-Paul Sartretogether.
♦ Published in the print edition of the March 16, 1946, issue, with the headline “Existentialist.” ...
He made his name with noirish, existentialist novels about lonely writers, outsiders and down-and-outers that were a huge ...
In novels like ‘The Moviegoer,’ Percy leavened dreary portraits of the modern world with glimmers of hope for a better future ...
He was best known for his postmodern "New York Trilogy" of novels, as well as films like "Smoke" and "Lulu on the Bridge." ...
Do you relate to being a cycle breaker? Do you feel like you haven't fit into the social mold? Have you been to therapy and are looking for a different approach? I often work with people who ...
Along the way, they have forgotten what philosophers have known for centuries: that to be human is to worry, and, accordingly ...
American author Paul Auster who made his name with noirish, existentialist novels about lonely writers, outsiders and ...