Black cherry trees are insect-pollinated; their blooms attract native bees, flies, and beetles. The tree's stems boast extrafloral nectaries that provide an additional food source for ants; they, in ...
The "eye" or center of the single or double-formed flowers is typically (though not always) brighter or darker in color than the petals, highlighting the long stamen with lots of pollen-coated antlers ...
Extrafloral nectar: Sugary compounds produced by plants outside of the inflorescence. These sugar gifts function to attract beneficial insects such as ants and wasps to the plant, usually to ...
Similarly, plants produce extrafloral nectar resources that are consumed by ants which defend plants against their natural enemies. In bi-directional consumer-resource mutualisms, each species ...
At the same time, small nectar-producing structures on the stem and leaves—the extrafloral nectaries—appear to have stopped performing a protective function. In the forest, they exist in greater ...
Kulikowski, Andy J. 2020. Ant–scale mutualism increases scale infestation, decreases folivory, and disrupts biological control in restored tropical forests ...
The timing of anther dehiscence and selfing in Collinsia. 2003. Sharla Stolhandscke, 498 project. Nectar production from extrafloral nectaries covaries with flower size in Collinsia. 2002. Amy ...
Cherednichenko, Kirill Kopitsyn, Dmitry Batasheva, Svetlana and Fakhrullin, Rawil 2021. Probing Antimicrobial Halloysite/Biopolymer Composites with Electron ...