Led by zoologist Kai Caspar from Heinrich Heine University in Germany, the new study found that the brain size measurements ...
A new map of a brain network that sustains wakefulness in humans could help improve our understanding of consciousness.
Two independent research teams have successfully regenerated mouse brain circuits in mice using neurons grown from rat stem ...
While we don't like to talk ill of the dead, new physiological analysis has found that the king of the dinosaurs was not so ...
In one experiment, rat neurons helped mice restore their senses of smell—the first time any animal has perceived the world ...
New research is throwing some cold water on the idea that the fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex was as smart as a primate. These ...
With an injection of rat cells, mouse brains that were genetically engineered to be unable to smell could detect odors and ...
A team of scientists from A*STAR's Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) and Bioinformatics Institute (BII) has developed a new ...
The concept of the T. Rex as a cunning creature has been challenged in light of new research, suggesting we might have ...
AI technology reveals more information about the gut-brain health link in Alzheimer's, suggesting new pathways for research ...
Crows have long captured the fascination of humans with their inquisitive nature and remarkable problem-solving abilities.
Scientists based in China and the United States have grown the first functional rat cells within the brains of mice, a development that they say could help grow organs from human cells in animals.