What makes footwear sustainable? Most people assume that means they’re made from vegan leather—but oftentimes faux leather ...
Have no fear, says farrier Ian McKinlay. That’s just some Equilox.
Shoes are notoriously difficult to recycle. A typical pair of sneakers has dozens of blended components including adhesives, ...
Purified has launched Abaca, which it says is a "breakthrough zero-plastic" shoe crafted with next-generation biomaterials.
Remember, the key to a successful repair is patience, precision, and the right product. With GEAR AID Aquaseal SR Shoe Repair ...
Materials recycling and reuse firm TerraCycle has revealed it is the company behind the recovery and recycling of the Asics ...
The shoe, called the Roku, comes in six interchangeable parts. The biggest design challenge: finding a way to securely attach the sole without using any glue. One of the designers realized that it ...
future shoe creation ... that allows the brand to separate the upper from the sole after use. Makinoda confirms that the proprietary glue’s first use comes in the Mirai, a key element ...
They've developed a special type of glue that promotes easier recycling, allowing the shoe to be dismantled effortlessly ... the upper is designed to detach from the sole, ensuring that no part ...
When the soles wear out on most sneakers, the shoes end up in the trash. But on a new pair of sneakers from Camper, the soles are designed to be removed easily. When they eventually wear out, you ...
It is the best super glue for plastic for your general household repairs, carpentry, and whatever else you need mending, from making scale models to fixing shoe soles, cloth, wood, and more.