He eventually found it under “graip”, which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as a “three- or four-pronged fork used as a dung-fork”. So the correct pronunciation of gripe is “grape”.
But Old Wullie didn't think it was a fruit. What he saw and what he said was "graip", which is the Doric word for what in the Thames Basin is called a "fork". When first I heard of Broonie's ...
Her great, great-uncle Dod patented a mechanical neep hasher/spreader in 1906 when most of his fellow peasants couldn't see past a graip and a barrow. Her father once weaned an average of 10.4 ...
Winter machinery and implements – Siloking compact 12 feeder mixer £11,200; Kuhn primor bedder £7000; silage pusher £400; Wylie shear grab £1850; Bobcat scraper £640; Mchale shear grab £500; Bobcat ...
The weather hasn't been conducive to outdoor activities lately, but fortunately, I didn't have any lambing or calving shifts to attend to.