The relentless search for a habitable planet beyond our solar system might have taken a significant leap forward. Researchers have discovered a planet with a higher habitability rating than Earth, ...
Lisa Kaltenegger’s “Alien Earths” describes intriguing and potentially habitable worlds that have only recently been ...
The Earth’s magnetic field is vital for life – without it, the Sun’s radiation would sterilize the planet. But a new study suggests we wouldn’t be here at all if that magnetic field hadn’t almost ...
Officials from the Pottawattamie County Emergency Management Agency have announced the establishment of a Multi-Agency ...
Manganese-rich sandstones discovered by NASA’s Curiosity rover indicate there were once habitable conditions in the Gale ...
The Curiosity Mars rover has detected intriguing chemical evidence, in the form of anomalous amounts of manganese oxide, ...
Gov. Jared Polis on Friday signed into a law a bill that expands existing statutes guaranteeing in rental agreements that a place is "fit for habitation." ...
NASA's Mars rover has collected data that researchers have interpreted as evidence of discovering a mineral that is closely associated with life.
Reports of life signs detected in the atmosphere of the potential ocean world K2-18 b may have been premature.
Citizen scientists have spotted a truly remarkable planet in a binary system's habitable zone. They gave a Harry ...
Officials say the man who died in the explosion was a retired member of the Newark police force. The extent of the other victim's injuries is unknown. Crews worked to shut off the home's gas line ...
The James Webb Space Telescope's possible detection of biological chemicals on the exoplanet K2-18b may just have been ...