Women with heart disease may be prescribed cholesterol-reducing statins less frequently than men, contravening recommended ...
A team of scientists at Tampere University in Finland identified a "gene module" consisting of 256 functionally related, ...
Researchers are recommending utilizing big data and machine learning to improve the widely used Framingham Risk Score to ...
Over time, bone marrow stem cells develop key genetic errors and pass them on to immune cells. This may increase the risk of developing heart disease.
A century ago, so little was known about heart disease that people who had it resigned themselves to years of bed rest or, worse, an early death. Even less was known about how heart disease affected ...
Exposure to racial discrimination during adolescence increased the risk of metabolic syndrome by 9.5 percent, researchers ...
Do you enjoy your time spent in nature? It may help lower inflammation levels, linked to the risk of heart disease and ...
Persistently favorable sleep patterns may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, even in individuals with higher genetic ...
A study in more than 3,000 US counties, with 315 million residents, has suggested that air pollution is linked with stress ...
When it comes to matters of the heart, cardiovascular disease in women is underdiagnosed compared to men. A popular scoring ...
Immature heartworms enter through the skin when an infected mosquito bites the dog. These immature worms grow to adulthood, ...