By restraining individual caterpillars and creating controlled wounds, the researchers were able to capture the dynamic ...
Even the larval forms of certain species may have more hemocytes in their blood than adults, with many adult butterflies and moths having hemocyte-poor hemolymph compared to the caterpillars.
But its reaction to stretching differed drastically between the hemocyte-rich hemolymph of caterpillars and cockroaches on ...
However, there was a clear difference in material properties between the caterpillars and cockroaches that have hemocyte-rich hemolymph versus the butterflies and moths that were generally ...
Corrigendum to "PmKuSPI is regulated by pmo-miR-bantam and contributes to hemocyte homeostasis and viral propagation in shrimp" [Fish Shellfish Immunol. 137 (2023) 108738].