The participant who died had inhaled hexamethonium as part of the study one month previously. Hexamethonium is a ganglion-blocking drug that can temporarily paralyze some nerves in the airways.
Previous therapy had included the low-sodium diet, hydralazine, Rauwolfia serpentina derivatives, barbiturates, hexamethonium and pentolinium salts, in a variety of individual combinations.
Fig 2. The preganglionic trunk of the SCG was stimulated at 10 Hz for 30 min. Atropine, Hexamethonium (Hex), or both antagonists were added 10 min prior to the beginning of stimulation. Hatched bars ...
While in England, Dr. Hirschowitz was involved in treatment of the patient who received the first antihypertensive agent hexamethonium. Although he enjoyed cardiology, given his previous experience in ...
Each trace was averaged 5–10 times. Glycine, strychnine, hexamethonium and tetrodotoxin were obtained from Sigma. Zhang, Z. W. & Berg, D.K. Patch-clamp analysis of glycine-induced currents in ...