You wake up, and you can’t move your body. A shadowy figure looms over you, but it feels too real to be a dream. If you’ve ...
It sounds like the start of a horror film: a shadowy figure at the end of your bed, a faceless presence sitting on your chest ...
Cindy Lee has canceled their tour due to personal reasons. The drag queen hypnagogic pop project of former Women leader ...
Sonia Sotomayor's Retirement Is A 'Personal Decision': White House "End of an Era": Funimation Bid an Emotional Goodbye as Site Disappears 12 Ordering Mistakes You're Making At Subway, According ...
He recently explained that a 'hypnagogic jerk' - also known as a 'sleep start' - is when you suddenly feel like you're plummeting to your death accompanied by a twitching in your legs and arms.
I’ve been waiting for David Goodwin all my life. The antidote to the insufferably worthy, left-wing imperialists of the ...
For the sort of people who deeply care about online music criticism, Pitchfork’s Cindy Lee review was like the trash can ...
Your daily dose of the best music, film and comedy news, reviews, streams, concert listings, interviews and other exclusives ...
After returning home and putting a record on, everything goes a bit “A Day in the Life,” and you’re suddenly greeted by alien Hypnagogic Zomm (Schwartzman), who wants to introduce you to a ...
The album is imbued with a serene, hypnotic, hypnagogic quality, as the lines between reality and dreaming blur. Tracks such as “Turquoise Moon” and “Crystal Blue” see the duo embrace their penchant ...