Letters: Readers on the harm caused to those who remain incarcerated despite the abolition of IPP sentences in 2012 ...
THE fundamental postulate of the special theory of relativity, and a vital principle of the general theory of relativity, is that there exists a maximum speed of propagation, confining the link ...
When I first studied wild foods, I was introduced to a skunk cabbage legend about John Cage, the composer, who had lived in a ...
We have seen that the degree of statical indeterminacy of a structure is, in fact, the number of forces or stress resultants which cannot be determined using the equations of statical equilibrium.
(Mis)Conceptions: A Cultural History of Pregnancy Indeterminacy is an AHRC-funded research project, which identifies ambiguity around pregnancy as a significant but under-researched phenomenon both in ...
To this day he maintains, as did Albert Einstein, that the common interpretation of quantum mechanics is mistaken—that any seeming indeterminacy in the subatomic world reflects only our ...
"There is far too much indeterminacy around the meaning of 'unauthorized possession' with respect to President Trump and the types of documents at issue," the filing said. Prosecutors responded by ...
Others in their party don’t qualify. Given this setup, the ideological indeterminacy of the rebels helps the movie avoid ...
Following up on his previous book, Charles Rice explores the contemporary implications of atria in his latest work Atrium.
Schrödinger’s continues, “It is typical of these cases that an indeterminacy originally restricted to the atomic domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminacy, which can then be resolved ...
In an exciting development for the art world, the Nina Johnson Gallery is set to host "TOGETHER APART," a captivating solo ...
Others in their party don’t qualify. Given this setup, the ideological indeterminacy of the rebels helps the movie avoid seeming schematic or didactic. “Civil War” is an antiwar war movie ...