ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A cruise ship that sailed out of Tampa earlier this month had an unwelcome passenger onboard its ...
H5N1, an avian flu virus, has killed tens of thousands of marine mammals, and infiltrated American livestock for the first ...
If the bird flu infecting cows in the US makes the jump to humans, the timing could not be worse, a prominent Kiwi flu researcher says.
You should be keeping an eye on the “bird flu”—and on the Republicans who want to slice and dice the CDC budget.
Subscribe for FREE Giant viruses, scientifically termed Nucleocytoviricota, are a virus group identified just two decades ago ...
A study in the CDC's Emerging Infectious Disease Journal reports the spread of H5N1 avian influenza among cats and dairy ...
“Poilievre was (former Conservative leader Stephen) Harper’s personal attack chihuahua in the House of Commons, a job he ...
Southern sea otters in San Luis Obispo County are dying from a rare and aggressive strain of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite originates from a host seemingly removed from the sea otters’ ...
"It's possible that corallicolids have different effects depending on who they're infecting," says UBC researcher Morelia Trznadel, the first author of the paper. "The parasite lineages we found ...
From the editorial: "Free speech, even hateful speech, should be respected on and off campus. But intimidation and threats ...
A cruise ship that sailed out of Tampa earlier this month had an unwelcome passenger onboard its voyage to Los Angeles — a ...
So far, H5N1 does not seem adept at infecting pigs, but that could change as it acquires new mutations. “I never let my kids go to a state fair or animal farm, I’m one of those parents ...