An itch can drive you absolutely crazy, but there are times when scratching only makes it worse—throwing your body's ...
Located in Mission Trails Regional Park, the backside of North Fortuna is a moderately strenuous hike. With a length of ...
A diver in Indonesia was left with an unusual burning rash after being "pushed into" fire coral while diving in tropical ...
A woman's body is incredible and capable of so much — sometimes, you might not even realize what it's capable of doing until ...
Itchy skin is a common problem with easy solutions, but you need to know what causes itchy skin before you can do something ...
I can’t speak because it’s the sinuses that are blocked. I’m waking up in the middle of the night and I’m physically ...
If you notice red, itchy welts suddenly popping up on your skin, you may start to panic. Are you having an allergic reaction?
Itchiness can be a sign of skin cancer. The three most common types of skin cancer could cause itching. However, other common ...
MLB's injury problems extend beyond pitchers as a whopping 234 players were listed on their teams’ various injured lists as ...
Blake Hermann is younger than most children who need a liver transplant, but the medications doctors have given the toddler ...
Alayna Wilkening, special publications editor: Little Caesars Pizza is by far the best large pizza chain. The pizza portals ...