The unveiling of General Ancap was marked by a viral video showcasing Milei, adorned in his superhero attire, singing "La ...
Despite the accusations that Javier Milei is a fascist in libertarian clothes, many of his reforms have been successful in ...
Javier Milei speaking engagements in foreign countries. Javier economic policies are being studied by several institutions.
Argentina's leader has been attacked domestically after making some eyebrow-raising remarks about the Falklands.
There is clearly some sort of infatuation with the President and his Austrian economic ideology, along with Argentina. And ...
The unions blasted President Javier Milei's attacks on labor rights, social security, public health and education.
A general strike against public spending cuts has affected most of Argentina, where schools, banks and many shops remained ...
Argentina’s biggest trade unions have mounted one of their fiercest challenges to the libertarian government of President ...
Milei and Musk with Karina Milei also shared a view on free markets Argentine President Javier Milei and South African-born tycoon Elon Musk met Friday at the Tesla factory in Austin, Texas, ...
Argentina's President Javier Milei faced his second general strike Thursday in just five months in office, as workers angered ...
I’ve been relishing a classic feast of British press overreaction to a BBC interview with the colourful libertarian president ...