Hop latent viroid (HLVd) is one of the most devastating things ever to hit cannabis, with researchers estimating it could be costing the industry up to $4 billion per year in financial loss. But are ...
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Regularly asking about risk factors for tuberculosis, such as birthplace and travel history, may improve testing of those at ...
Canada has one of the world's lowest rates of tuberculosis. Yet this deadly disease is surging among Indigenous people in ...
The postoperative herpetic manifestations thus probably represent reactivation of previously existing latent infection rather than external invasion by herpes simplex virus, as was postulated by ...
We used latent class analysis (LCA) to group athletes into mutually exclusive classes based on shared response patterns of RED-S consequences. We computed descriptive statistics to identify ...
NIST ELFT is the world reference benchmark for latent fingerprint and palm print identification. The benchmarked technology is used to identify latent fingerprints and latent palm prints found on ...
More than 200 gathered for conversation and a group ride. It was both a community event and an act of defiance against ...
Barak, Segev and Weiner, Ina 2010. Dissociating scopolamine-induced disrupted and persistent latent inhibition: stage-dependent effects of glycine and physostigmine ...
Standing Above the Clouds review: doc is a profound statement on how the human spirit can’t be broken as long as individuals ...