The magnetized rocks of Earth's crust and mantle, also known as the upper lithosphere, accounts for generating 6 percent of ...
Little is known about the nature and evolution of Earth's continental crust before a few billion years ago because cratons, ...
FXIt turns out that Elisabeth Moss is a great celebrity to weather your first Los Angeles earthquake with. I learned this ...
Information from igneous zircon molecules gives researchers new insight into the workings of the inner Earth. Little is known ...
While night one’s Phish thematics at the Sphere were relatively ambiguous in real time, the abundantly clear “water” theme on ...
At the Puerto Rico Trench, gravity has been found to be -380 milliGal, making it the biggest negative gravity anomaly on ...
Phish soared through the atmosphere on night three of the band's monumental four-night Sphere run in Las Vegas.
Researchers suggest that the famed Golconda diamonds, including the Hope Diamond and Koh-i-noor, may have originated from a ...
The 1999 earthquake in Taiwan was a major wake-up call which led to critical administrative reforms to improve the emergency ...
Little is known about the nature and evolution of Earth's continental crust before a few billion years ago because cratons, or stable swaths of the lithosphere more than 2–3 billion years old ...