Furthermore, the researchers compared this measurement to data collected from comparable crystals created around 2,000 ...
Though invisible, the magnetic field is essential for life on Earth because it shields the planet from solar wind—streams of ...
Despite this potential threat, recent studies suggest this period might have been a time of prosperity for early life forms.
What was our ancient magnetic field like? A new finding suggests the oldest estimate of the age of the planet's current ...
This timeframe is also some 200 million years earlier than previous magnetic field evidence. This is an important distinction ...
A 3.7-billion-year-old rock recorded Earth’s magnetic field, and it was remarkably similar to the field surrounding Earth ...
A group of scientists believed that Earth and Jupiter could be used as laboratories that would help convert gravitational ...
We are all very familiar with the concept of the Earth's magnetic field. It turns out that most objects in space have ...
While ESA's satellite INTEGRAL was observing the sky, it spotted a burst of gamma-rays—high-energy photons—coming from the ...
Scientists have discovered a novel method to manipulate light waves, using nanophotonics, deforming the photonic crystal that ...
The oldest firm age yet for Earth's magnetic field suggests that it developed before a solid planetary core, 3.7 billion ...