Mary Adams works in a tawdry waterfront restaurant where the owner not only maltreats her, he also cheated her father out of a fortune years ago. The owner acquires $25,000 in an illegal ...
Under the current law, “a person who maltreats a minor under the age of 18, or impairs the mental or physical health or development thereof by other means” would be imprisoned for up to five years, ...
Earlier this year, he got himself on the receiving end of heavy criticism after it was discovered that he allegedly maltreats mentally ill people seeking divine intervention at his church.
He marries her and takes her back to live in his parent's home. Her mother-in-law views it as a unequal match and maltreats the girl in the hope that she will leave. Advertisement ...
There are some clever observations about the hypnotic power However, the central weakness of this book, as Molly herself admits at one point, is: ''It was all so easy!'' We love Joanne Rowling's Harry ...
A bitter and resentful village girl maltreats her disabled mother after her brother is taken to the city to learn a trade and she is left behind Even when justice results in her having to pay for ...