They dubbed these elusive creatures golden-crowned manakins, and their lighter-colored counterparts are opal-crowned and snow ...
a standout among manakins. It is the only species that uses its feathers to generate a tick, tick, ting in the hope of making a female swoon. Scientists knew the wings were the source of the sound ...
Taylor primarily studies gulls and manakins, both birds considered to be instinctual rather than socially intelligent. Their social behaviors are innate, meaning they can’t learn behaviors like songs ...
There are about 60 known species of manakins and many of them exhibit courtship behaviours, including dance-like movements and sounds, from pops to violin-like noises made with modified wing feathers.
Why does the peacock have such an elaborate tail? This cumbersome trait significantly decreases the male's chances of survival. It only exists because it confers an advantage to its bearer in the ...
Many of these, though old, are very well worth reading. Fig. 2. Manakins (Pipridae) in the genus Chiroxiphia. Manakins have a lek mating system, with strong sexual selection on males for mating ...
“The Flight of the Manakins”, a film to be produced by a collaboration of students from both Bournemouth University and Arts University Bournemouth, is to be shot on the Dorset coast this yea ...
Behavioral ecology, social network models, genetic markers, evolutionary demography, sexual selection, cooperation, phylogeography of montane and alpine animals. Taxa: manakins, suckers (native fish), ...
When Tweet Of The Day launched in 2013, it was only British birds that were chosen to lure the nation into wakefulness. Tweet Of The Day returns this September with the most interesting ...
To help display their skills, the volunteers had an array of manakins around the ground to perform practice CPR on. To help fund their vital work donations buckets had been left out, while ...