Mathematicians from the University of Amsterdam ran an experiment where a frictionless billiard ball was given spatial memory ...
If you want to efficiently pack squares in two dimensions, you arrange them like a checkerboard. To squeeze together ...
The Amelia Bloomer Project, a committee of the Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table, compiles the Amelia Bloomer List, an annual annotated book list (or bibliography) of well ...
Three-body problems—the analytical expressions of three celestial bodies in a stable orbit—have beguiled mathematicians for centuries. In 2017, Chinese mathematicians discovered more than a thousand ...
The surprising result does not mean we have done the math wrong. Rather, the Vitali set is so complex that no measure can be assigned to it. Vitali thus proved that not all quantities are measurable; ...
A duo of mathematicians just solved a 15-year-old problem. They found an answer to how many numbers you need to fill an ...
Together with an old friend, mathematician John von Neumann, Ulam developed the procedure into an extremely useful calculating tool that enabled mathematicians to solve complicated problems by ...
Can AI ever become conscious and how would we know if that happens? All of which has prompted mathematicians to ask if their field is entering a new era. But it has also emboldened some computer ...
Five Buchholz High School students came together to participate in a mathematics competition and their team has been chosen as a top winner out of over 600 submissions. The group of local students — ...
The framework combines dimension reduction techniques and a new explainable clustering algorithm called CLASSIX, developed by mathematicians at The University of Manchester. This enables the quick ...
Five Buchholz High School students came together to participate in a mathematics competition and their team has been chosen as a top winner out of over 600 submissions. The group of local students ...