Cinemagoers have the opportunity to celebrate this year’s ‘Star Wars’ holiday by heading to movie theaters to catch the ...
In a wide-ranging interview with PEOPLE, Ahmed Best looks back on the making of 'The Phantom Menace' for its 25th anniversary ...
No one deserves their much-delayed accolades as part of the Star Wars franchise more than Ahmed Best, who portrayed Jar Jar ...
C heck your midichlorian counts, gas up your fastest podracers and prepare for the triumphant theatrical return of " Star ...
"The Mandalorian," "Ahsoka" and 25 years of spinoffs show the stealth power of George Lucas' 1999 prequel, which, for all its controversy, laid the groundwork.
The Phantom Menace” have been chewed upon for a quarter century, from Watto to Anakin Skywalker’s Midi-chlorian count (and miracle birth) to ...
There are those who saw Star Wars Episode I in theaters and those who watched The Phantom Menace after seeing the animated shows.
No film has quite bore so much expectation as The Phantom Menace, the first entry in the Star Wars franchise in 16 years, ...
Star Wars fans turned out to celebrate the first installment, depending on how you count it, of the beloved franchise.
This month marks the 25th anniversary of the release of “Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace,” which is returning to ...
The Phantom Menace — and the entire, nine-episode Skywalker Saga — is returning to theaters for Star Wars Day. Tickets are now on sale for the 25th anniversary re-release, which hits theaters for a ...