EATING lots of junk food turns off one of the body’s defence mechanisms against cancer, a study suggests. Researchers from ...
Scientists have found that a poor diet leads to higher levels of a certain compound that is produced when glucose is broken ...
Researchers found that a compound released by your body when you eat high fat and sugary food can temporarily turn off a gene ...
A study in Singapore looked at the effect of methylglyoxal, a compound released when the body breaks down sugary and fatty foods, on a gene that helps fight off tumors. In a first, the academics ...
National University of Singapore study uncovers how junk food, via methylglyoxal, affects BRCA2 gene, increasing cancer risk.
They demonstrated that cells from such patients were particularly sensitive to the effects of methylglyoxal, which is a chemical produced when our cells break down glucose to create energy. The study ...
Recent findings could explain the link between cancer risk and poor diet, and other common diseases caused by not eating the ...
New research has discovered that a chemical associated with unhealthy diets or uncontrolled diabetes may elevate the risk of ...
However, the team from NUS has discovered that methylglyoxal can temporarily inactivate genes that prevent cancer. This ...
A research team from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has unearthed new findings that may help explain the ...