男性嫌悪。男嫌い。⇔ミソジニー。 gooIDでログインするとブックマーク機能がご利用いただけます。保存しておきたい言葉を200件まで登録できます。
At this point abusing men seems to be the perfect recipe for guaranteed virality. via GIPHY Misandry seems normalized on platforms like these. And it's really disappointing… to say the least.
Hatred of men (misandry) and female aggression against males is a hard and indisputable reality, and it is no different from hatred of women (misogyny) and men’s aggression against females.
B movement began as a protest but has morphed into a global awakening: Women are realizing that they can have more enriching ...
A viral TikTok trend asking women if they would rather be stuck in a forest with a man or bear has provoked widespread ...
Ice baths, sharing and hugs: with suicide now the biggest killer of men under 50, can a day out designed to combat loneliness ...
The viral social media question, asked of women, seems simple: Would you rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear?